WP Store: +1,225.79% of revenue thanks to Klaviyo

WP Store's concept was launched in 1985 with the opening of the first WP Store in Bologna. Founded by Giuseppe Calori and his daughter Cristina, the company has been dedicated to showcasing carefully selected products from around the world.

Currently, WP Stores are located in major Italian cities such as Bologna, Milan, Florence, and Riccione.

The brand represents a unique lifestyle, combining clothing, footwear, and objects to express one's identity through authentic and trending international brands. WP Store is committed to maintaining a distinctive experience, allowing original and contemporary fashion to thrive.

The evolution doesn't stop here: in this case study, here's our email marketing strategy, achieved by adopting Klaviyo.

It was essential for the brand to identify cross-selling opportunities among existing customers and identify correlations between customer purchases and products they might be interested in.

The strategic approach adopted focused on optimizing the customer experience through personalized and relevant offers, aiming to increase sales and strengthen the bond with existing customers.

Approach and Implementations

To ensure success in the challenge of maximizing sales through targeted email marketing strategies, WP Store implemented a sophisticated, data-driven approach using the Klaviyo e-commerce email marketing platform:

Audience Analysis and Customer-Product Correlations

First, the company conducted a thorough analysis of its customers' audiences, leveraging Klaviyo's powerful analytical capabilities.

This analysis allowed WP Store to identify significant correlations between customers and the products they had previously purchased, revealing common purchase patterns and shared interests.

Creation of Personalized Cross-Selling Flows

Subsequently, WP Store used this information to create personalized cross-selling email flows. By integrating cross-referenced data between customers and products, the company developed targeted messages suggesting complementary or related products to those previously purchased by customers.

The flows were designed to be highly personalized and timely, providing relevant product recommendations that reflected the specific interests of the recipients.

In addition, WP Store fully utilized Klaviyo's segmentation features to divide its audience into more targeted target groups. This approach allowed the company to send highly personalized content and offers to each customer segment, reflecting their unique preferences and interests.


In the first quarter of 2024, WP Store saw an exponential growth of 1,225.79% in revenue compared to the same period the previous year.

This extraordinary result testifies to the effectiveness of the email marketing strategies adopted by the company.

Here is a detailed analysis of the results achieved through Klaviyo activation:

In particular, the average open rate of the emails sent was 40%, indicating significant interest and engagement from the recipients.

These results demonstrate the added value of the targeted and personalized strategies implemented by WP Store through Klaviyo, which allowed maximizing sales opportunities and actively engaging its customer audience.

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