Google Merchant Centre becomes Next: what's new?

In a few days, with the start of September, Google will introduce Merchant Center Next, the new version that will replace the classic Merchant Center.

This update brings significant changes, including AI-powered tools and a simplified management system for product listings, both online and in physical stores.

In this article, we’ll dive into the key features of Merchant Center Next, explore what’s changing for retailers, and provide guidance on how to best prepare for this transition.

We’ll examine how the new features, such as automatic data integration and unified product listing management, can simplify daily operations and offer new growth opportunities.

Additionally, we’ll discuss potential challenges that may arise during the switch and offer practical tips to navigate them effectively.

The key features of Merchant Center Next

One of the most exciting new features is Product Studio, an advanced tool that uses AI to create content.

Currently available in select countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, and Japan, this tool could become a valuable asset for optimizing product descriptions and images more quickly and effectively.

Another major change is the introduction of Consolidated Analytics. Now, all the main data monitoring tools, such as pricing reports and competitive visibility metrics, will be integrated into a single section. This should make it easier to get a clear overview of product performance.

Google has also redesigned the interface, making it more intuitive. The new layout promises a more user-friendly experience, with pre-filled product information and the ability to customize your homepage. This means less time spent on configuration and more time focused on actual management.

Retailers will also appreciate the Unified Product Management. Finally, you’ll be able to manage online and local product listings from a single platform, streamlining operations for those who work across both online and physical stores.

In addition, Merchant Center Next introduces Automated Ad Creation, allowing basic ad campaigns to be created directly within the platform. This feature could be particularly helpful for those with less experience in advertising, enabling them to get started with minimal effort.

Navigating the Transition: Challenges and Opportunities

The transition to Merchant Center Next will bring several changes that may require some adjustment. For example, product data will be automatically integrated thanks to a new Data Automation system that pulls information directly from retailers’ websites. This could reduce the need for manual updates, but will require careful monitoring to ensure everything works correctly.

For those selling internationally, the new platform offers Centralized International Sales Management, making it easier to configure and manage sales across different markets.

Another advantage is the unified inventory management, allowing you to track both online and in-store availability in an integrated way. This Unified Online and Local Inventory could greatly simplify operations for those managing both types of channels.

Lastly, the new Recommendations Hub will centralize all suggestions for improving performance, while an updated Diagnostics system will help identify and resolve issues more efficiently.

What Does It Mean for Retailers?

This mandatory switch to Merchant Center Next affects all retailers using Google’s platform for product listings.

While the transition might present some challenges, Google assures that all current functionalities will be automatically transferred to Merchant Center Next.

With September quickly approaching, it’s advisable to start preparing for this change, ensuring your product management processes on Google are ready for the new platform.

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